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AFiD-MuRPhFi Quick Start Guide

AFiD is a highly parallel application for simulating canonical flows in a channel domain. More technical details can be found in van der Poel et al (2015). The code is developed jointly by the University of Twente, SURFsara, and the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

In addition to the method described in van der Poel et al (2015), this multi-resolution version of AFiD evolves a second scalar field. This scalar field is simulated on a refined grid to allow for low diffusivity values or high Schmidt numbers. The multi-resolution method applied is detailed in Ostilla-Monico et al (2015) and was implemented into AFiD by Chong Shen Ng. Interpolation between the two grids is performed using a two-point Hermite interpolation scheme, further details of which can be found here.

The high resolution grid can also be used to simulate a melting (or dissolving) solid by the phase-field method of Hester et al (2020).

This code is not fully described by either of the existing publications (van der Poel et al (2015) or Ostilla-Monico et al (2015)). For clarity, the key differences between this code and those papers is described below.

Differences with van der Poel et al (2015):

  • The temperature field (along with the salinity field on the refined grid) is no longer co-located with the wall-normal velocity. The scalar fields both take their values at the mid-points of the computational cells, as in Ostilla-Monico et al (2015)

Differences with Ostilla-Monico et al (2015):

  • Since the current code is modified from AFiD, it is pencil-parallelized in the periodic directions. This contrasts with the previous multi-resolution code, which was slab-parallelized in the wall-normal direction.
  • For reasons linked to this change in parallelization, the only terms calculated implicitly are the diffusive terms with derivatives in the wall-normal direction (e.g. \(\nu \partial_{xx}u\)). All other terms are computed explicitly.
  • The multiple resolution strategy in time from Ostilla-Monico et al (2015) is not yet implemented in the code. For now, we only rely on a CFL condition.


Before the software can be compiled, the following libraries and packages must be installed:

  • A Fortran 90 compiler
  • FFTW (with mpi and openmp enabled)
  • HDF5 (compiled with the mpich wrappers for the compilers)

A step-by-step guide to installing these on Ubuntu can be found here.

Building AFiD

A Makefile is provided to easily build the program. Once all the pre-requisites are installed (along with GNU Make), you only need to run make in the command line to build AFiD. The Makefile contains a variable MACHINE that automatically enables a range of appropriate compiler options based on the computer you are using. This variable has a range of preset options for HPC facilities across Europe, on which the code compilation has been successful.

Running a simulation

Once AFiD has been successfully compiled, an executable afid will be produced in the root directory of the repository. You can then add this directory to your PATH, say on Ubuntu by adding the following line to your .profile file (assuming AFiD-MuRPhFi has been stored in your home directory):

Running a simulation can then be achieved by executing afid using mpiexec with the following command:
mpiexec -n N afid Ny Nz
This command tells mpiexec to use N cores, and tells afid that we want to decompose the domain Ny times in the y direction and Nz times in the z direction. Note that N=Ny×Nz must be satisfied, and mpiexec must use the same MPI implementation that you used to compile afid.

A range of SLURM submission files are also be provided in the directory submit_scripts as examples for use on HPC systems.


The tools subdirectory contains a range of helper functions in both Python and (experimentally) Julia to enable easy reading and manipulation of the data stored in the output statistics files. Both modules are called AFiDTools. More details on the helper functions are provided in the documentation, including example Jupyter notebooks and a guide to using ParaView for 3-D visualisation.